Intruder Detection
Intruder Alarms are at the heart of your security system.
Intruder Alarms are a must for any premises. They provide the protection you require when your premises is at its most vulnerable and enable you to meet your insurance and legislation requirements.
Please see our news section for our recent projects.
Intruder Alarm System Design
All businesses are different and therefore our business Intruder alarm systems are uniquely designed from the combination of a detailed risk assessment and your business insurance requirements. The levels of protection fall into 1 of 5 risk categories: low, low to medium, medium, high and very high. The very high risk categories are used in exceptional circumstances.
Smart Device Control
Administer your alarm system from your smart phone or tablet using a dedicated app and receive notifications of system events from anywhere in the world.
For multi site or complex systems we are able to combine these into one user friendly interface.
Personal Attack Alarms
We supply fixed and mobile personal attack buttons that when pressed can summon urgent police assistance when a person is threatened with immediate personal violence or criminal act. Personal attack alarms are operated alongside your intruder alarm system. They may be a requirement from your insurance company or deemed necessary from our risk assessment.
Intruder Alarm System Signalling
In the event of an alarm activation we instantly notify a keyholder, the emergency services or your own in house control room via our alarm receiving centre. Please refer to our monitoring section for additional details.
Anti Theft Fog System
Our anti theft fog systems are a proactive security measure. On alarm activation they instantly produce a safe and environmentally friendly high density fog. After full deployment intruders cannot see more than 10cm ahead. This disorientates the intruder and forces them to retreat. With optional high intensity pulsing strobe lights and high pitch sounders, this makes the system even more effective.
Upgrade Your Existing System
If you have an existing system and want to upgrade or change specific elements, then that’s no problem. We will suggest a range of options to meet your requirements.